Our Services
We offer natural solutions for the following health concerns. We offer in person and remote health consultations.
+ Autoimmunity
Autoimmune diseases vary greatly in the organs they affect and in their clinical manifestations, with some being limited to particular tissues and others being systemic. Despite these variations, all autoimmune diseases are believed to go through sequential stages.
Stage1 Silent Autoimmunity, Stage 2 Autoimmune Reactivity, Stage 3 Autoimmune Disease.
Our evaluations include finding out if there is Autoimmunity, the Stages and the Triggers for Autoimmunity. The goal is to educate you, so you will know YOUR triggers and how to get into remission of your specific Autoimmune condition.
+ Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, GERD, Crohn’s Disease, Celiac Disease and Leaky Gut are just a few of the common diagnoses we see everyday. Recent research studies are proving how crucial gut health is for overall wellness and vitality.
Did you know nearly 80% of our immune system is located in our gut? Without addressing gut health, the rest of the body is going to have a difficult time functioning optimally. We work closely with our clients to identify the root cause for their gastrointestinal disorders and provide the support needed to improve, be it diet and lifestyle changes or the right supplements to encourage healing.
+ Thyroid Dysfunction
The thyroid can have a dramatic impact on a variety of bodily functions, and if you’re a woman over 35, your odds of a thyroid disorder are high—more than 30 percent, by some estimates. According to The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, at least 30 million Americans have a thyroid disorder and half are silent sufferers who are undiagnosed with a thyroid disorder.
Your thyroid regulates your body’s temperature, metabolism, heartbeat and more. Things can start to go wrong when your thyroid is under- or overactive. What causes your thyroid to go haywire? It could be genetics,autoimmune issues , pregnancy, stress, nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the environment. Because the thyroid has far reaching effects on the body—from the brain to bowels—figuring out a disorder can be challenging. With the combination of lab tests and Nutrition Response Testing we feel certain we can help.
+ Neuroinflammation
Neuroinflammation is inflammation of the nervous tissue. It may be initiated in response to a variety of cues, including infection, traumatic brain injury, toxic metabolites, or autoimmunity. In the central nervous system (CNS), including the brain and spinal cord, microglia are the resident innate immune cells that are activated in response to these cues. We help to identify the cause of Neuroinflammation and support the body's response towards healing.
+ Lab Testing
Targeted lab testing is a powerful tool to identify the root cause of disease. We offer a variety of lab testing including blood, urine, saliva, stool, and hormone testing, as well as hair analysis. This data helps to uncover the source of imbalance, whether that be:
- Assimilation: digestion, microbiota, absorption, leaky gut
- Defense and repair: immunity, inflammation, infection
- Energy: mitochondrial function and energy regulation
- Elimination: toxicity, detoxification
- Transport: cardiovascular and lymphatic system
- Communication: endocrine, neurotransmitters, immune messengers
- Structural integrity: subcellular membranes to musculoskeletal system
While we utilize many cutting-edge labs, we’re excited to add Cyrex labs into our diagnostic arsenal. When it comes to identifying autoimmunity, Cyrex is the gold standard. They offer multi-tissue antibody testing for today’s complex autoimmune conditions. This not only aids in early detection, but allows accurate monitoring throughout the healing process.
+ BioEnergetic Medicine
BioEnergetic Medicine encompasses all models of medicine including: Functional Medicine, Natural Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbal Medicine, Oriental, Ayurvedic, etc. It operates under the principles that the body heals the same way it develops: inside-out, top-down, the body is designed to heal itself if it has what it needs.
The body is a flow system. Dis-ease – a lack of ease – is the result of a blockage in the flow system. A symptom is the body’s cry for help and the root cause of the disease is anchored in the energy of the body. BioEnergetic Medicine includes all assessment techniques including lab tests, manual techniques, energetic assessments, etc. and as a result, provides a cohesive model of healing.
+ Hormone Balancing
Hormones play a crucial role in the functioning of your body. Their levels and balance are extremely important to your health, mood, and well-being. Hormone deficiency in men and women often causes fatigue, irritability, depression, weight gain or weight loss, mood swings, low libido, loss of bone density, poor memory and inability to focus.
Food-based supplements or herbs combined with lifestyle modifications, changes in diet, and increased levels of exercise can have a positive impact on your health and hormone levels, improve your quality of life, and help you look better and feel younger.
+ Adrenal and Stress Management
Stress can be caused by environmental, physical, psychological or nutritional factors. One of the body’s initial responses to fear or stress is the release of hormones such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and cortisol that initially help us to react or adapt to a stressful situation. Cortisol can raise blood sugar and blood pressure, increases the breakdown of protein, interferes with thyroid hormone action and can stimulates visceral fat deposition.
Chronic stress is maladaptive and ultimately disrupts the body’s signaling system (the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis, HPA Axis) and the adrenal gland’s normal pattern. This can lead to problems such as: insulin resistance/diabetes, cardiovascular problems, dementia/memory loss, immune suppression, impaired thyroid function, gastrointestinal problems and sleep disorders. We work with our clients to help them change their reaction to stress, through education,lifestyle changes, diet and supplements.
+ Sleep Support
There are many reasons why people have a difficult time falling and/or staying asleep. The good news is those common sleep problems are often easily addressed without the use of medication! Using lab and energetic testing we can find the underlying reasons for insomnia. Weather it is high Cortisol at bedtime that may prevent you from falling asleep, or low blood-sugar wakes you up, or many other reasons we can help support your body to find rest, relax, repair and heal.
+ Detoxification Program
Did you know your body collects junk? It collects junk which includes pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals, caffeine, pollution, preservatives and more. When overloaded, your body becomes inefficient. Like a furnace with a clogged filter, it collects toxins. If toxins aren’t eliminated your well-being is compromised and you can experience weight gain, feeling tired or fatigued, poor digestion, difficulty sleeping, mental fog, moodiness, and low libido.
We can help guide you as you eliminate the junk through the 21 Day Purification Program. The 21 Day Purification and Weight Loss Program is a unique program designed to assist in combating and preventing disease and to help you achieve increased vitality, weight reduction, improved digestion, clearer thinking, removal of food addictions, allergies, clearer skin, shinier hair, less bloating, improved elimination, deeper-healthier sleep, and a general sense of well-being. Contact us if you’re interested in learning more!
+ Allergy Clearing
The Advanced Allergy Clearing Technique, AACT reprograms the body to respond favorably to the foods you eat, instead of negatively.. When you’re having an allergic reaction, the body thinks the food or environment can harm it instead of nourishing it and a chemical reaction is created.
AACT helps your body to re-establish a positive relationship with the allergen so the next time you come in contact with the allergen, your body will stay in a balanced state without a reaction. We can help clear any food or environmental allergens. This service generally takes about 15 to 20 minutes.
+ Genetics - Using DNA Testing to Get on the Right Track
14 Nutrigenomic Panels to choose from offers personalized Nutrigenomic Analysis; each panel report provides the following:
- SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphism) results for each Client tested
- Specific nutritional recommendations needed to overcome the genetic weaknesses identified in their DNA
- Specific nutritional products and therapeutic suggestions to make it easy for the patient to understand
- Lifestyle recommendations a client should consider
- Recommended laboratory tests to support the genetic findings and why it is necessary
- A clinical definition of each gene and what it means for health
+ Weightloss and Nutritional Counseling
We evaluate the underlying reasons for your weight-gain; diet, hormone imbalance, thyroid imbalnce, stress and insomnia and more.
+ Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which Blood Glucose levels are high. There are four main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes (Autoimmune Insuline Depended), Type 2 Diabetes (Insuline Resistant,Hyper Insulimia), Type 1.5 Latend Autoimmune Diabetes of Adulthood (LADA), Gestastional Diabetes. We provide a thorough analysis for your condition. If you are willing to take charge of your life and are willing to change your diet and lifestyle we are certain we can help.
+ Pediatrics
+ Memory and Brain Support
+ Infertility
There are many mechanisms that cause Infertility. here are a list of some of them: Ovulation and Menstrual Cycle Factors, Femal Pelvic Anatonical Factors, Male Pelvic Anatonical Factors, Male Sperm Health, Undrerlying Autoimmunity, Medical Conditions that Increase Oxidative Stress, Medications impacting Fertility, Environmental Causes, Female Reproductive Cells, Tissues, and Fluid Factors, Dysglycemia, Lifestyle Factors, Diet, Psychological Stress, Male Andropause, and Body Mass Index (BMI), We evaluate all these Factors to make sure you are in the best position for a healthy Pregnancy and for the child.