Our Approach

Functional Medicine

Nowadays chronic disease is rampant. In fact, 60% of all adults have at least one chronic health condition and 40% have two or more chronic health conditions. (1)  While conventional medicine is skilled at treating acute health conditions, it often fails with chronic illness.

But with Functional Medicine, “chronic” disease doesn’t have to be chronic. When balance is restored to the body, remission can occur.

Functional Medicine is an individualized, holistic approach to health care.  The aim? Identifying the root cause of disease, whether that be:

  • Autoimmune reactions

  • Environmental toxins or allergens

  • Food allergens

  • Hormone imbalalances

  • Infections

  • Inflammation

  • Genetic mutations

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Lack of exercise/Over exercising

  • Lifestyle

  • Stress

We start with a thorough medical history, review of past medical data, and targeted lab testing (if needed).  Once the triggers are isolated, a customized treatment plan is created that may include:

  • Dietary recommendations

  • Medical grade supplements

  • Stress-management

  • Exercise recommendations

  • Sleep protocols

This is not your old “one-sized-fits-all” medicine treating isolated symptoms with medications (that often have nasty side effects).  Instead, Functional Medicine determines why and how illness occurs in the first place. 

One health condition may have several different causes.  And one cause may lead to more than one illness.  The good news is, once the roadblocks to health are removed, the body can heal. To learn more about Functionaal Medicine and whether it’s right for you, check out this post.

Ready to get to the root of your health challenges and reclaim your vitality? I offer both virtual and in-person Functional Medicine services.  Click here to schedule your consultation now.

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Nutrition Response Testing

Whether we’re aware of it or not, our bodies are under attack on a daily basis – pathogens, food, chemicals, heavy metals and more can prevent us from staying healthy and thriving! But how do we know if we’ve been exposed to these stressors? How can we support our body as it’s working hard to protect us? How do we determine the best supplements to take, foods to eat or lifestyle changes to make?

We’re able to answer these questions using a non-invasive system called Nutrition Response Testing. Based on quantum physics and kinesiology, Nutrition Response Testing is precise and scientific. It’s a way of analyzing the body – using muscle testing – to determine the underlying causes of ill health. When these are corrected through safe, natural and nutritional means, the body can repair itself to attain and maintain optimum health!

During your appointments, we use Nutrition Response Testing to find imbalances, blockages or weaknesses throughout the body. Then, to correct what is found, we design a unique health improvement program for you using specific nutritional supplements as well as diet and lifestyle changes. By using Nutrition Response Testing, we have a system of monitoring your body at each visit that is timely, accurate and clinical. It also helps us identify exactly what the body needs and how well we are meeting those needs.

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Do you roam the supplement aisles of a health food store feeling clueless and overwhelmed? You buy a supplement thinking it’s exactly what you need and take it for a couple of weeks only to find you’re still experiencing the same symptoms.

Unfortunately, many over the counter supplements are made of poor quality nutrients and contain fillers making them toxic and less potent. These factors are what drive the deceivingly low costs but are actually detrimental to your health in the long term.

Additionally, the ingredients in any given supplement may be ones your body does not need nor want. Nutrition Response Testing takes the guessing game out of the equation. We identify the root cause of a symptom and find the specific nutrient(s) so the body can heal itself. We selectively partner with companies that are committed to producing the highest quality supplements to provide you with quality ingredients to support your body and needs. All our supplements we use are FDA controlled.
